# Harmodify's Commands

Harmodify consists of a total of 23 commands, that have been organized into 3 groups for the ease of our users.

Here is a list of available groups and the commands included:

📋Table of Contents

# 1. Music

This group features a set of commands related to the Music functionality of the bot.

# 1.1 Play

Plays a song with a qiven query.
 Required Argument: <query>

<query> can be one of the following.

  • Name of song
  • Url:
    • Can either be pointing to a song or playlist.
    • Supported Sources: Youtube, Youtube Music, Spotify, Soundcloud and Apple Music.


/music play query: Sunroof
/music play query: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xg3vE8Ie_E
/music play query: https://open.spotify.com/track/7hDoxkN20lLb06zifzYnD2

  Plays the searched song if found otherwise gives a not found error.
The details about the fucntioning of the buttons can be found here.

# 1.2 Skip

Skips the currently playing song.
 Required Argument: None


/music skip

  Sends a confirmation embed and skips the currently playing song.

# 1.3 Shuffle

Shuffles the current playing queue.
 Required Argument: None


/music shuffle

  Shuffles the current playing queue if there is one otherwise does nothing.

# 1.4 Nightcore

Toggles on/off the Nightcore style.
 Required Argument: None


/music nightcore

  Increases Pitch and Speed of the songs currently being played and in queue.

# 1.5 Bass

Sets the bass level.
 Required Argument: <level>

<level> the bass boost level to set.

  • Max Value: 100
  • Min Value: 1

  Sets the bass level to the given level.

# 1.6 Toggle

Pauses or Resumes the player depending on it's current state.
 Required Argument: None


/music toggle

  Changes the current state of player if it's paused, it resumes the audio playback, otherwise pauses the playback.

# 1.7 Volume

Sets the Volume of the player.
 Required Argument: <value>

<value> The amount you want the volume to be set at.

  • Max Value: 100
  • Min Value: 0 (which is equal to muting the audio.)

  Changes the volume to the amount you set it to be if it's a valid value.

# 1.8 Disconnect

Stops the Music Player.
 Required Argument: None


/music disconnect

  Stops the currently playing song and clears up the queue, exits the voice channel.

# 1.9 Queue

Shows the queue.
 Required Argument: None


/music queue

  Sends an embed showing the current playing queue.

# 1.10 Clear Queue

Clears the queue.
 Required Argument: None


/music clearqueue

  Clears the current playing queue.

# 1.11 Lyrics

Fetches the lyrics of the searched Song.
 Required Argument: <title> [author]

  • <title> the name of the song.
  • [author] (Optional) the singer of the song.


/music lyrics title: Imagine Dragon Bones
/music lyrics title: Love Story author: Taylor Swift

   Sends an Embed with the lyrics of the searched title otherwise sends an error if no lyrics found

# 2. Info

A set of commands to know various info regarding the bot or a user.

# 2.1 Spotify

Shows the currently playing song in a user's activity.
 Required Arguments: [user]

[user] (Optional) The user whom activity you want to know.


/info spotify
/info spotify user: @Jiggly-Ball

  Sends an embed containg info regarding the song, if the user tagged is listening to a song on Spotify. If no user is tagged then it will check your Spotify activity.

# 3. Misc

A set miscellenous commands that can be used for bug reporting and some other purposes that have nothing to do with the main functionality of bot.