Harmodify's Commands
Harmodify consists of a total of 23 commands, that have been organized into 3 groups for the ease of our users.
Here is a list of available groups and the commands included:
📋Table of Contents
1. Music
This group features a set of commands related to the Music functionality of the bot.
The commands in this group require you to be in a voice channel for functionality except Lyrics commands.
1.1 Play
Plays a song with a qiven query.
 Required Argument: <query>
can be one of the following.
- Name of song
- Url:
- Can either be pointing to a song or playlist.
- Supported Sources: Youtube, Youtube Music, Spotify, Soundcloud and Apple Music.
/music play
query: Sunroof
/music playquery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xg3vE8Ie_E
/music playquery: https://open.spotify.com/track/7hDoxkN20lLb06zifzYnD2
  Plays the searched song if found otherwise gives a not found error.
1.2 Skip
Skips the currently playing song.
 Required Argument: None
/music skip
  Sends a confirmation embed and skips the currently playing song.
1.3 Shuffle
Shuffles the current playing queue.
 Required Argument: None
/music shuffle
  Shuffles the current playing queue if there is one otherwise does nothing.
1.4 Nightcore
Toggles on/off the Nightcore style.
 Required Argument: None
/music nightcore
  Increases Pitch and Speed of the songs currently being played and in queue.
What is Nightcore? Have a look
Even I don't know what Nightcore is. 💀
1.5 Bass
Sets the bass level.
 Required Argument: <level>
the bass boost level to set.
- Max Value: 100
- Min Value: 1
  Sets the bass level to the given level.
1.6 Toggle
Pauses or Resumes the player depending on it's current state.
 Required Argument: None
/music toggle
  Changes the current state of player if it's paused, it resumes the audio playback, otherwise pauses the playback.
1.7 Volume
Sets the Volume of the player.
 Required Argument: <value>
The amount you want the volume to be set at.
- Max Value: 100
- Min Value: 0 (which is equal to muting the audio.)
  Changes the volume to the amount you set it to be if it's a valid value.
1.8 Disconnect
Stops the Music Player.
 Required Argument: None
/music disconnect
  Stops the currently playing song and clears up the queue, exits the voice channel.
1.9 Queue
Shows the queue.
 Required Argument: None
/music queue
  Sends an embed showing the current playing queue.
1.10 Clear Queue
Clears the queue.
 Required Argument: None
/music clearqueue
  Clears the current playing queue.
1.11 Lyrics
Fetches the lyrics of the searched Song.
 Required Argument: <title>
the name of the song.[author]
(Optional) the singer of the song.
/music lyrics
title: Imagine Dragon Bones
/music lyricstitle: Love Story
author: Taylor Swift
   Sends an Embed with the lyrics of the searched title otherwise sends an error if no lyrics found
2. Info
A set of commands to know various info regarding the bot or a user.
This group is common to all our bots a details regarding this group can be found here.
2.1 Spotify
This is an exclusive command to Harmodify Only.
Shows the currently playing song in a user's activity.
 Required Arguments: [user]
(Optional) The user whom activity you want to know.
/info spotify
/info spotifyuser: @Jiggly-Ball
  Sends an embed containg info regarding the song, if the user tagged is listening to a song on Spotify. If no user is tagged then it will check your Spotify activity.
This command will only work if it is the orignal spotify client provided by Spotify . Alternatives like Spotipy, Ncspot, Spot, etc might or might not work with this command.
3. Misc
A set miscellenous commands that can be used for bug reporting and some other purposes that have nothing to do with the main functionality of bot.
This group is common to all our bots a details regarding this group can be found here.